
JAKARTA - The younger brother of the prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, Pungki Primarini, was presented as a witness in the case of alleged gratification of the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa arrangement. During the trial, Pungki said that his brother always sent money to pay for employee salaries and daily necessities.

"For household needs," said Pungki in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 30.

Pungki said that his brother, Pinangki, often sends large amounts of money. This is because the needs that must be paid per month reach Rp. 70-80 million.

But the nominal money is to pay bills and employee salaries for the next few months.

"Usually every 5 months. I don't know if I've paid attention," he said.

In addition, Pungki also explained the amount of bills per month that his brother had to pay. For employee salaries, Pinangki has to pay up to IDR 32.7 million.

"Household assistant Rp. 6.5 million per month, Zamizah baby sitter Rp. 7.5 million, Puji Kriswanto driver replaces Sugiarto (Gito) with Rp. 5 million in salary and Rp. 3 million for food allowance, Elisabet cooks Rp. 4.2 million per month," he explained.

"Ade Rohmat earns Rp3 million looking after my father, Turiyah is paid Rp3.5 million," he continued.

Pungki then explained that the source of his brother's money came from the legacy of Pinangki's ex-husband who had died. The inheritance in foreign currency is kept in a safe.

"(Sources of money) From deposits are in the safe," he said.

In the previous trial, prosecutor Pinangki had mentioned that his wealth came from the inheritance of his late husband.

One of them is related to the purchase of a BMW X5 car to the payment of apartment rental. Pinangki's legal attorney said that all of this was paid using the inherited money from the ex-husband who died in 2014.

"The deceased (Pinangki's ex-husband) realized that he would not be able to accompany his wife (Pinangki) who was 41 years apart, so he also prepared a lot of savings," said Jefri reading an objection note (exception) in the continued trial of the Pinangki prosecutor at the Corruption Crime Court. , Wednesday, September 30.

The lawyer also explained Pinangki's background. Pinangki was married to a prosecutor named Djoko Budiharjo in 2006. During the marriage, Pinangki's husband had served as Head of the High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) in several areas.

"During his life, he served as Kajati Riau, Kajati Southeast Sulawesi, Kajati West Java, finally as Sesjamwas, then after retiring, he practiced as an advocate," said Jefri.

At that time, Pinangki's ex-husband was collecting money in foreign currency. This money, called the lawyer, is used by Pinangki to buy luxury cars and pay rent for apartments.

"When the deceased was an advocate, the defendant knew that the late husband kept money in the form of bank notes in foreign currency, which according to the deceased was for the survival of his wife," said Jefri.

In this case, prosecutor Pinangki was charged with three counts, namely the first charge of receiving a bribe of US $ 500,000 (around Rp7.4 billion) from the convicted Bank Bali cessie case Djoko Soegiarto Tjandra.

Second, the money laundering charges originating from the receipt of bribes amounting to 444,900 dollars or around Rp6,219,380,900.00 as money given by Djoko Tjandra for the processing of a fatwa to the Supreme Court.

Third, Pinangki was charged with committing an evil conspiracy with Andi Irfan Jaya and Djoko Tjandra to bribe officials at the AGO and MA worth US $ 10 million.

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