
JAKARTA - The Padang Municipal Police (Polresta), West Sumatra, revealed that the suspect RRF (27) who was charged with alleged sexual abuse against five minors faces a maximum prison sentence of 15 years.

"Case investigations are still being carried out, and the suspect faces a maximum prison sentence of 15 years," said Head of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Police Commissioner Rico Fernanda, accompanied by assistant investigator Briptu Cyndhanita Sukmana Putri in Padang, reported by Antara, Thursday, November 19.

The criminal threat was obtained after the suspect was charged with Article 82, Juncto (Jo) 76 E Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into Law Invite.

The RRF suspect, who is a male owner of an internet cafe in the West Padang area, is currently in the Padang Police detention cell.

The number of victims in this case is known to be five men.

Meanwhile, Briptu Cyndhanita said that his party would immediately finalize the case files so that they could be submitted to the prosecutor's office.

"We are targeting that next week the case files will be completed and immediately submitted to the prosecutor," he explained.

The case that ensnared RRF was the alleged sexual abuse of a minor, and the suspect was arrested by the police on Tuesday (17/11) at around 00.10 WIB.

The arrest was made while the suspect was at his cafe in the West Padang District area.

The method used by RRF to commit their obscene acts was to lure money to the victim who was playing at his cafe.

"The victim persuaded him and then gave Rp100 thousand to the victim not to tell other people and wanted to do it again," he said.

The immoral case was revealed when one of the victims complained to his parents about immoral acts committed by the perpetrator.

Finding the child's report, the victim's parents immediately made a police report to the Padang Police Office.

When officers made arrests and secured the perpetrators, the residents surrounded his residence.

On another part, the police still urge parents to always look after and supervise their children.

"We will take firm action against anyone who commits immoral acts, especially the victims of minors," said Kompol Rico Fernanda.

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