
SURABAYA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPD, Djarot Saiful Hidayat, said that his party had fired Mat Mochtar as a PDIP cadre. In addition to defecting, Mat Mochtar is suspected of trying to pit PDIP cadres against each other.

"Mat Mochtar has been fired. If he admits that a party member must have organizational awareness. Eri Cahyadi-Armudji is a candidate for the PDI-P. I know exactly how before making a decision, Mrs. Megawati conducted contemplation," said Djarot, in Surabaya, Thursday, November 19.

Djarot emphasized that the DPP Party fired one of the figures driving the Ketaton Banteng for crossing over with Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman in the Surabaya Pilkada. In addition, Djarot considered that Mat Mochtar's behavior was not commendable.

"Eri was decided as a candidate because of her leadership. Eri is a young figure, has an accomplishment in Surabaya, and as an engineer, is able to plan and design progress for Surabaya for Indonesia and the world. So, Mrs. Megawati's decision really fits the expectations of the people of Surabaya. before Eri-Armudji was announced, Mrs. Mega did not want to receive guests, including Mrs. Risma. Thus, the decision is really clear, sincere, for the future of Surabaya City, "he said.

Djarot believes that the PDI Perjuangan Surabaya continues to unite with all elements of society to win Eri Cahyadi-Armudji. This is solely because they believe Eri is able to continue Risma's program.

"Last night's debate showed Eri-Armudji's leadership qualifications, facing Mahfud Arifin who was more concerned with rhetoric. However, they did not understand the issues of urban planning, investment and also good government management," he said.

Because Machfud Arifin did not understand good governance, Djarot said the candidate number 2 used a divisive strategy, including approaching the son of the late Pak Sutjipto's son Jagat Hari Seno.

"The Supreme Court has carried out a politics of divide et empira in the style of Dutch colonialism. The politics of division during the colonial period were always opposed by all of the nation's children, including NU, Muhammadiyah, and PNI at that time. was carried out by Mat Mochtar. Because it was the colonial method that was opposed by the Surabaya arek-arek, "said Djarot.

Therefore, Djarot believes that when Eri-Armudji is surrounded, and the opponent has so much logistics and funds, the citizens of Surabaya will become even more united.

"Eri is getting stronger precisely because of the rigidity and siege. What happened actually proves how the people of Surabaya have the courage to choose young leaders who are honest, experienced, and visionary. So when Surabaya is surrounded, just like when the Allies surrounded Surabaya, people's resistance to support leaders who well, the stronger it will be, "said Djarot.

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