
AKARTA - The examination of the Chairman of the committee for the wedding ceremony of Rizieq Shihab's daughter, Haris Ubaidillah has been completed. During the examination, investigators explored matters from licensing to implementation of health protocols.

Secretary of FPI DPP Legal Aid, Azis Yanuar said, the investigation of Haris Ubaidillah which lasted for approximately 12 hours, the team of investigators asked 37 questions.

"Most of it is about the health protocols that are implemented at the venue, then who is responsible for the event, then also regarding the arrangement of the stage and procedures before the event starts, the points are," said Aziz to reporters, Thursday, November 19.

In the examination, it was also explained that the series of events were more about the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. However, Najwa Shihab's marriage contract was inserted.

It is for this reason that people who wish to participate in the Prophet's birthday are constantly arriving. So that it crowded the Petamburan area.

"This is the Maulid event, so it's not a reception, but this is a marriage contract that was infiltrated at the Maulid event," he said.

Meanwhile, Haris Ubaidillah added that during the event his party received masks and hand sanitizers from BNNP and BPBD DKI. The aid was distributed to the community.

Moreover, the event committee has also called on the public to adhere to health protocols.

"When the event started from the MC, the show guard, all of them called for distance, at that time the time was beyond our expectations. That's why we shouted it, we didn't have the chance to appeal but we shouted it loudly," he said.

As for the previous 9 people have been questioned. One of them is DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan. To reporters, Anies, who was questioned for 7 hours, admitted that he had 33 questions.

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