
JAKARTA - The witness in the trial of the Supreme Court fatwa handling gratification case at the trial, Joko S Tjandra delivered a different statement regarding the case. Joko Tjandra said that the idea of arranging a fatwa to the MA came from Andi Irfan Jaya and Anita Kolopaking.

"Concretely on November 25, 2019. Andi Irfan Jaya and Anita," said Joko Tjandra during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 9.

This testimony is different from what he said when he was examined at the Attorney General's Office (AGO). At that time, Joko Tjandra said that the idea came from Rahmat and Pinangki.

When it was confirmed again about the proposed fatwa arrangement at the Supreme Court, Joko Tjandra emphasized that Andi Irfan Jaya and Anita Kolopaking were the initiators.

Then when asked about the meeting with Pinangki and Rahmat on November 12, 2019, Joko Tjandra also changed his statement. He said no agreement was made at the meeting.

"There is no agreement at all. It is just an introduction," he said.

Even though when referring to the investigation file, Joko Tjandra said at the meeting on November 12, 2019, he produced a plan to use the MA fatwa media to be able to follow up on the Constitutional Court decision number 33 in May 2016 so that he was not convicted of the PK decision number 12, dated June 11, 2009.

When questioned again, Joko Tjandra stated that it was only a plan that was put forward to him. "That's a bigger idea than Anita and Andi Irfan Jaya," he said.

Meanwhile, Joko Tjandra was previously a fugitive in the case of transfer of rights which resulted in a replacement of Bank Bali creditors worth IDR 904 billion which was handled by the Attorney General's Office.

The Attorney General's Office detained Joko Tjandra from 29 September 1999 to August 2000. However, a judge at the South Jakarta District Court ruled that he was acquitted of charges because his actions were not criminal but civil.

In addition, the AGO submitted a PK against Djoko's case to the Supreme Court in October 2008. Finally, the panel of judges sentenced Djoko Tjandra to two years in prison and had to pay Rp. 15 million. Joko's money at Bank Bali Rp.546.166 billion was seized by the state.

Until finally he was arrested in Malaysia, on Thursday, July 30. So far, Joko Tjandra has been named a suspect in several cases. Where, some of them have entered the trial process.

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