
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force emphasizes discipline in implementing health protocols to prevent transmission of the virus is the key to avoiding the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

"We must avoid this with disciplined health protocols. We must maintain and screen the mobility of people in and out of Indonesia, to avoid incoming visits from Europe or several other countries experiencing winter," said Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Between, Friday, 6 November.

The number of active cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia has continued to decline and looks better than the world average. According to Wiku, this good achievement must be maintained and improved.

In addition, the public must also learn from the development of several countries in Europe, which have to return to regional quarantine because of an increase in positive cases.

The latest conditions in a number of European countries experienced a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as in Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and Greece so that the health authorities in each country decided to quarantine the area.

According to Wiku, the risk of transmission could become uncontrollable as the community began to underestimate health protocols. "Don't let this happen in Indonesia," said Wiku.

Wiku said that currently Indonesia already has several achievements in handling COVID-19 that are getting better, such as the achievement as of 5 November 2020, in which the number of active cases was 54,306 or 12.75 percent, lower than the world average of 25, 8 percent.

The addition of positive cases was 4,065. Meanwhile, cases recovered reached 357,142 cases or 83.9 percent, where the world cured cases were 71.3 percent.

Meanwhile, the cumulative number of cases died was 14,348 cases or 3.4 percent, of which 2.5 percent died in the world. "Currently the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia has shown quite good results, this can be seen from the decrease in positive cases and the decrease in the death rate," he explained.

Achievements also occurred in the examination of COVID-19 specimens which continued to increase and approached the World Health Organization (WHO) standards. This achievement, said Wiku, should not make all parties off guard. The government and society must continue to increase their collaboration and continue to improve this achievement.

The public is asked to continue to apply 3M's health protocol, which is to wear masks, keep their distance, and wash their hands with soap, and stay away from crowds. This application must be carried out in every activity.

The discipline of implementing the 3M health protocol is a community contribution to the government's efforts to deal with COVID-19. "Remember, we are disciplined, not only protecting ourselves, but also those closest to us," Wiku ordered.

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