
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said that providing support for candidate pairs for regional head elections (Pilkada) through social media is the highest trend of violating the neutrality of the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"Posting, comments, photos, sharing on social media is part of the alignment," said Chairman of Bawaslu RI Abhan, during the ASN Neutrality webinar in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections, reported by Antara, Wednesday, October 28.

According to him, providing support through social media is indeed the highest trend of the 16 forms of violations committed by ASN related to neutrality.

Currently, 790 Bawaslu findings have been recorded for alleged violations of ASN neutrality and 64 reports from the public, then the results are 767 cases followed up by recommendations to KASN and 87 cases are not violations.

"The highest trend of ASN violations provided support through social media, namely 319 cases, others such as ASN attending or attending hospitality events, ASN promoting themselves and others, and so on," he said.

He explained that Bawaslu is the entry point for handling alleged violations of ASN neutrality, which in practice will be issued a recommendation to KASN and submitted to PPK.

Abhan explained that the neutrality of ASN in principle is that every ASN does not take sides from any form of influence and does not take sides with any interests.

Abhan admitted, the problem of ASN neutrality is usually faced by regions that have incumbent candidates in the regional elections because they have access to the ranks of the regional bureaucracy.

Head of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria Wibisana said that ASN who admits that it is difficult to carry out neutrality must be someone who has a position.

"If people who do not have a position will not be like that, it will not be difficult to implement ASN neutrality," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director General for Regional Autonomy at the Ministry of Home Affairs Akmal Malik added that the neutrality of ASN is an issue that needs to be watched out for in the implementation of regional elections.

"In line with the 5 ministerial decree, we conduct ASN neutrality coordination meetings every week, regional election coordination meetings, and COVID-19 development coordination meetings," said Akmal.

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