
JAKARTA - For decades in the insurance world, Hendrisman Rahim, former President Director of PT Asuransi Jiwasraya, had to end up in bars. The Attorney General's Office (AGO) officially named Hendirsman as a suspect in the alleged corruption case against this state-owned insurance company.

The AGO appointed Hendrisman along with four other people, namely Benny Tjokrosaputro, Heru Hidayat, Harry Prasetyo, and Syahmirwan as suspects in the Jiwasraya default case which was suspected of causing state losses of Rp. 13.7 trillion.

Hendrisman was the President Director of Jiwasraya from 2018 to early January 2018, or two periods of leadership. He also served as Chairman of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) in 2011, 2014 and 2017 before finally deciding to resign in 2018 because he no longer served at Jiwasraya.

Quoted from the Jiwasraya website, Hendrisman is a graduate of the Mathematics Department of the University of Indonesia. Prior to serving at Jiwasraya, he was the President Director of ReINDO.

Hendrisman, who received his Master of Art degree in Actuarial from Ball State University, Muncie - Indiana, USA, also served as chairman of the Indonesian Insurance Management Expert Association, chairman of the Indonesian Actuarial Association, and chairman of the Indonesian Insurance Foundation.

Based on the elhkpn.kpk.go.id website, Hendrisman Rahim last submitted a State Organizer's Asset Report in November 2018. From this report, it is known that the total assets owned by Hendrisman Rahim reached IDR 17.35 billion. He is recorded as owning land and buildings in Tangerang, Bekasi and Central Jakarta valued at Rp3.86 billion.

Hendrisman is also noted to have a variety of luxury vehicles such as three Harley Davidson motorbikes with a total price of IDR 850 million, a Toyota Alphard worth IDR 700 million, three Mercedes Benz IDR 1 billion, and a Lexus Jeep car worth IDR 300 million. In total, Hendrisman owns a vehicle worth IDR2.85 billion.

In addition, Hendrisman was noted to have other movable assets worth Rp. 700 million, securities worth Rp. 3.31 billion, cash and cash equivalents worth Rp. 5.97 billion, and other assets worth Rp. 650 million.

In 2017, one of the national economic magazines awarded Hendrisman as an outstanding Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who has raised the company's achievements so that they are more competitive in their respective industries.

So, Hendrisman was awarded the award, and is considered one of the ideal CEOs of the life insurance industry sector. The achievements made by Hendrisman at that time were because he was considered capable of managing Jiwasraya in managing the company.

At that time, Jiwasraya was number two in the life insurance industry with company assets reaching Rp. 40 trillion and premium income of Rp. 20 trillion.

However, it turned out that what Jiwasraya had done under Hendrisman's leadership was a fake. The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found that Jiwasraya had carried out financial engineering to cover the company's losses since 2006.

Financial engineering was carried out, among others, in the 2017 financial statements in the last year Hendrisman was in charge before being removed by BUMN Minister Rini Soemarno. This state-owned insurance company showed a profit of Rp. 2.4 trillion, but it was considered improper because there was fraud in reserves of Rp. 7.7 trillion.

The AGO confirmed that the five corruption suspects at PT. Asuransi Jiwasraya has not yet entered its final stage, because the case is still being developed.

Head of the Attorney General's Office of Legal Information, Hari Setiyono, revealed that investigators are still looking for new suspects suspected of being involved in the Jiwasraya corruption case.

In handling the case, the AGO has issued an Investigation Warrant with number PRINT-33 / F.2 / Fd.2 / 12/2019 dated December 17, 2019. There were 98 witnesses who were questioned when the case was handled by the DKI Jakarta High Court.

Then, after being handled by the AGO, 34 witnesses were questioned from Friday 27 December to Monday 13 January. In addition, the AGO has also proposed prevention abroad for 13 people related to this case.

Parties prevented from going abroad consist of Jiwasraya employees and private parties, namely HR, DYA, HP, MZ, DW, GL, ER, HH, BT, and AS. Then, Syahmirwan, Agustin Widhiastuti, and Mohammad Rommy.

The AGO has also searched 13 offices. Eleven of the 13 companies that were searched were investment management companies. Some of the companies that were searched were PT Hanson Internasional Tbk, PT Trimegah Securities Tbk, PT Pool Advista Finance Tbk, PT Millenium Capital Management, PT Jasa Capital Asset Management, and PT Corfina Capital Asset Management.

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