
SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) continues to make various efforts to prevent and control COVID-19 in the City of Heroes. Various efforts have begun to reap results with data on as many as 63 urban villages with zero cases.

Head of the Surabaya Public Relations Section, Febriadhitya Prajatara, said the Surabaya City Government continues to make various efforts to maintain the village with zero confirmed cases of COVID-19. One of them is by strengthening promotive and preventive efforts through the socialization of health protocols, Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) in RT / RW, Kelurahan, Kecamatan by involving cross-sectoral intensively and sustainably.

"We also continue to ensure that people are disciplined in carrying out health protocols by adhering to 3C (avoiding close rooms, close distancing, being crowded) by including cross-sectoral participation, including Youth Organization, Babinsa, Bhabinkamtibmas," said Febriadhitya Prajatara, Thursday, October 22. .

In addition, efforts to increase swab test examinations are also increasingly being carried out. Especially for people who have a higher confirmed risk rate. Meanwhile, it was confirmed that the implementation of the swab test had been coordinated with the puskesmas.

"Then, requires that the RT-PCR examination results be negative for travelers. Especially for residents who have just returned from traveling. Or residents who stay in Surabaya outside the city," he said.

The Surabaya City Government has also optimized the role and function of Kampung Tangguh Wani Jogo Suroboyo. According to him, this is important to do with the aim of controlling the transmission of COVID-19 in the community.

"Of course, by providing guidance and supervision of residents who are quarantined or isolated independently," he said.

The Surabaya City Government also provides facilities for providing isolation facilities in the form of Hajj Dormitory Hotels (HAH) for confirmed patients. People Without Symptoms (OTG). "So that it can reduce the risk of transmission in the community," he said.

"Finally, involving the active role of the Youth Organization, PKK, Remas and community organizations to implement the Family-based Healthy Self-Help Program, Free from COVID-19," he concluded.

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