JAKARTA - Representatives of the mass workers who carried out a demonstration against the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law admitted that they were not satisfied even though they met with Deputy IV of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Juri Ardiantoro to submit a letter.
Chairman of LEM SPSI, Arif Minardi, who participated in the meeting, said that the representatives of the masses wanted to be accepted by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to convey their aspirations directly.
"We hope to be accepted by the president. All of us can also listen directly to the president. So if the problem is satisfied we are clearly not satisfied," said Arif at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area, Jalan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta after meeting with the KSP. Wednesday, October 22nd.
The mass of workers continued to carry out demonstrations to voice their aspirations even though they had submitted a letter to President Jokowi via the KSP.
"For us the JR (Judicial Review) is the last alternative. Because trust in these state institutions has greatly diminished. That's why we just use actions," he said.
"Hopefully the president will listen. The fact is that if there is a new action they say this exists, this is there, even though the documents are not yet there. If there is no action, it will be decided right away," added Arif.

The letter that has been submitted to the KSP, said Arif, contains a number of requests including asking President Jokowi to issue a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) to revoke the Job Creation Law.
"The letter contained a request to the president to cancel the Job Creation Law through the Perppu," he said.
The Job Creation Law which was passed on Monday, October 5, according to them, must be repealed because of flaws in the manufacturing procedure until its approval.
"According to the expert on procedures, the heart of law, according to the theory, is the heart of procedural law. So if the procedure is not correct, the substance will be problematic. It is proven that we see that there are changing pages," he said.

In addition to requesting that the Job Creation Law be repealed, this letter also contains an urge for President Jokowi to evaluate his ranks of ministers who are carrying out their duties without following existing procedures, causing a commotion.
"We convey this through written messages, not directly speaking to the president," he said.
The demonstration against the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Law on Thursday, October 22 was attended by the Federation of Electronic Metal and Machinery Workers Unions of All Indonesia (FSP LEM SPSI). Apart from that, there were also masses of students who took part in this action.
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