
JAKARTA - Hotel booking and management platform RedDoorz said that the special tourism grants from the government would also be felt by their property partners. These grants are aimed at hotels and restaurants, while RedDoorz is a booking platform to help hotel owners market their products and services.

"For grants, RedDoorz itself as a hotel management platform does not receive the grant funds. But we are sure that our property partners will receive the grant funds," said Adil Mubarak, VP Operations of RedDoorz, reported by Antara, Thursday, October 22.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio stated that the government has disbursed special tourism grants worth IDR 3.3 trillion to assist local governments and business actors in this sector.

The grant funds are intended to help local governments as well as industry, hotels and restaurants, which are currently experiencing a decline in local revenue (PAD) and financial disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This tourism grant is a cash grant through a transfer mechanism to the regions aimed at local governments and tourism sector businesses such as hotels and restaurants in 101 municipal districts based on several criteria.

The criteria referred to are the capitals of 34 provinces in 10 priority tourism destinations and 5 super priority destinations.

"Furthermore, regions that are included in the 100 calendar of events, branding destinations are also regions with a minimum income from hotel taxes and restaurant taxes of at least 15 percent of the total PAD for the 2019 fiscal year," Wishnutama said.

Tourism grants will be carried out through a transfer mechanism to the regions of 70 percent for hotels and restaurants based on data on the realization of the Hotel Tax and Restaurant Tax (PHPR) 2019 in the respective local governments and 30 percent for regions used as part of handling economic and social impacts. due to COVID-19, especially in the tourism sector.

This tourism grant will be implemented until December 2020.

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