
JAKARTA - The government has spread budget allocations to every economic sector to rise from the COVID-19 pandemic, one of which is Islamic boarding schools which received IDR 2.6 trillion through economic recovery programs. The government hopes that Islamic boarding schools can assist in the recovery of the national economy.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the government allocated various budgets with the aim of helping the public and the business world to survive and recover amid the pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The government has allocated an allocation of up to Rp. 2.6 trillion in order to prepare Islamic boarding schools to adapt to new habits due to the COVID-19 pandemic or the new normal," he said, during the ISEF webinar celebrating National Santri Day, Thursday, October 22.

The details are the budget allocation for education assistance amounting to Rp2.38 trillion. Then, online or online learning assistance for pesantren for 3 months amounting to Rp.211.7 billion.

"Each pesantren, depending on its size, gets government assistance. 14,900 small pesantren get a budget of Rp. 25 million. For medium-sized schools, 4,000 pesantren are given Rp. 40 million and large pesantren with a total of 2,200 pesantren get a budget of Rp. 50 million," he said.

Then, continued Sri Mulyani, 62 thousand diniyah education operational assistance was given Rp. 10 million and educational operational assistance for the Al-Quran Education Institute (LPA) of 112,000 received Rp. 10 million.

Not only that, continued Sri Mulyani, the government also provided incentives to Islamic school teachers, teachers and caregivers of Islamic boarding schools through social assistance and assistance to build or repair infrastructure in 10 provinces.

"There is also assistance from various budget ministries of institutions reaching more than Rp. 991 billion," he said.

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