
JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has mapped the 20 most prone spots for accidents in the Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jadetabek) areas.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the determination of accident-prone locations was based on the calculation of the number of vehicles passing and the impact of the accident.

"The frequency and rate of fatality then occurred in the area," Sambodo told VOI, Wednesday, October 21.

Most of the accident-prone points are in Depok and East Jakarta. Both areas have 3 accident-prone points.

For the Depok area, locations that are prone to accidents are on Jalan Raya Bogor KM.29, Jalan Raya Parung Ciputat, precisely near Kimia Farma Pharmacy, Bojong Sari Baru Village, and Jalan Margonda from south to north.

As for the East Jakarta area, it is on Jalan Raya Bogor, to be precise, the Pasar Rebo Flyover, I Gusti Ngurahrai Street, to be precise in front of the Kampung Sumur busway stop, and the KRT Rajiman road from in front of the Al-Kausar Mosque to the Swadaya road round.

With the mapping of accident-prone points, Sambodo appealed to all motorists to obey the rules in driving. Especially using a safety device when driving.

"People must obey traffic regulations because accidents start from a violation," he said.

The following are 20 points prone to accidents in the Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi areas in 2020:

Central Jakarta The Kemayoran Angkasa road is located in front of the Basarnas office

North Jakarta, RE Maryadinata, PLTU junction to PLTU Bridge, Cilincing highway along Cilincing Utara road

West Jakarta, Jalan Tubagus Angke, to be precise Flyover, Jalan Taman Palem 1, Kamal Raya

South Jakarta Street Iskandar Muda Underpas Gandaria City

East Jakarta, Jalan Raya Bogor, to be exact, the Rebojalan I Gusti Ngurahrai Market Flyover, precisely in front of the Kampung Sumurjalan KRT Rajiman busway stop from in front of the Al-Kausar Mosque to the Swadaya street direction.

Bekasi City, Jalan Raya Siliwangi in front of Trisakti Campus to base 2 Bantar Gebang KM11, Jalan Sultan Agung in front of Grand Bekasi to the Cakung border

Bekasi Regency, Gatot Subroto road in front of the pillar-junction until before the turn of the Kali Ulu Petrol Station

Tangerang Kota, Jalan MH Thamrin in front of the Humatek Factory, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman from the big service monument to Moderland traffic light

Tangerang Selatan on the Djuanda road from the Gintung traffic light to the State Islamic University (UIN) Jalam RE Martadinata Gaplek to the Prima Jasa pull

Depokjalan Raya Bogor KM.29, Jalan Raya Parung Ciputat, precisely near Kimia Farma Pharmacy, Bojong Sari Village, Barujalan Margonda from south to north.

Soekarno-Hattajalan Airport P.2 Soekarno-Hatta Airport

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