JAKARTA - The police combed the masses who were not from the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI). They were prevented from entering the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, so as not to 'infiltrate' the student demonstrations.
Based on VOI's observation in the field, Tuesday, October 20, the crowd led by the police were mostly teenagers. They wore normal clothes, some wore swetears. The crowd was immediately taken using a police car that was prepared around the Horse Statue area.
In addition, the police at Monas Silang also checked the student demonstrators' bags. A number of police checked the student's carry-on bags before joining the crowd of demonstrators who were already near the barbed wire.
Today, BEM SI is back on the march after demonstrating last week. BEM SI criticized the government of President Joko Widodo-Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. Jokowi's administration today enters a year.
“The government failed to manage information. The government says hoaxes are hokas. Not only the Ciptaker Law, many problems occur within one year of management, ”said BEM SI Alliance Center Coordinator, Remy Hastian Putra.
A total of 20 thousand joint personnel of the TNI-Polri and the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta were deployed to secure demonstrations against the Job Creation Law, from the Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) and labor unions at the State Palace.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus said that all 20 thousand personnel were not immediately deployed to the field. Only 10 thousand personnel have been deployed.
"We have prepared around 10,587 personnel (who are already in the field) today," Yusri told reporters, Tuesday, October 20.
Meanwhile, the rest will only be lowered if there is an increase in the mass of the action or there is chaos at this time.
Also follow the progress of the demo against the Job Creation Law via VOI Live Tweet.
The following are additional photos taken by our team. This mob is a group of teenagers who are suspected of rioting in today's demonstration. (Doc. Muhammad Iqbal / VOI) pic.twitter.com/U9IaZAT3N7
- voi.id (@voidotid) October 20, 2020
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