
JAKARTA - The President of the United States of America Donald Trump has often made controversial words. Now it is the turn of the French President, Emmanuel Macron, who is carried away in his chatter. This is because Trump mistakenly called Macron the Prime Minister of France, not the President. This was then regarded as reducing Macron's position.

According to reports from France24 , Trump mistakenly called Macron the Prime Minister of France while campaigning in Michigan. Lately, the Republican Presidential Candidate has indeed been actively garnering votes considering the US Election is only three weeks away.

At the time, Trump was discussing the old NAFTA trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, which he called a bad deal for the US and insisted on renegotiating. In discussing the matter, Trump turned his attention to discussing Macron and the Paris climate change agreement.

Trump, who questioned the science behind global warming, pulled the US out of the landmark global agreement in 2017. The reason Trump withdrew the US from the deal was because it was considered a US disadvantage.

"And you know what else I stopped? The Paris environmental deal," Trump said. "And I really like Prime Minister Macron. But I said 'how's it going there? How's the deal?' They weren't doing too well, "he said.

"I saved trillions of dollars, nobody else is going to do it. I say it's a disaster, they basically want to take our wealth," Trump added.

In Trump's first year as president, it is known that he has a close relationship with the President of France. But the relationship has cooled down over the years and saw a so-called handshake war. The handshake war is a condition in which Macron imitates the penchant for the US president to shake someone's hand loudly and not let go.

Emmanuel Macron was just appointed president of France when he first met Trump in Brussels in May 2017 before a NATO summit. Warned in advance and on the news of an aggressive handshake between Donald Trump and Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, Macron retaliated by gripping Trump's hand. He gripped Trump's hand until his hands turned pale.

At the 2019 bilateral meeting in France, Macron was again gripping Trump's hand for so long. The shake left a clear white fingerprint on Trump's hand.

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