
JAKARTA - Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Ade Irfan Pulungan said that the public had so far not paid close attention to the deliberation process of the Job Creation Law at the DPR RI. He claimed that so far the discussion of the law had been well published and transparent.

"I ensure that this law is very transparent. Because it is conveyed communicatively and transparently in the DPR. There is media in the DPR, there is TV, there is the Parliamentary TV channel," said Ade in an online discussion agenda broadcast on YouTube, Saturday, October 17.

In addition, this transparent claim also arises because every legislative body meeting is also broadcast on Parliament TV and broadcast by streaming. "So, actually it is our wish, to examine each of these developments or not," he said.

"That's the problem, we sometimes forget. We don't see the process, so we criticize at the end that this happens blah, blah, blah," he added.

This PPP politician said, to his knowledge, all debates in the DPR RI Legislative Body had also been raised and it was certain that nothing was hidden. The Job Creation Law, he said, had also accommodated all aspirations of the public because many parties had been invited to a dialogue before this law was enacted.

He did not deny that this law was then discussed in a marathon. However, he ensured that nothing was discussed about this law. "Maybe our time alone is not strong enough in observing the processes that took place in the DPR," he said.

"Indeed we forget, sometimes we always correct it at the end and don't want to see it from the beginning. So our thinking jump is what sometimes becomes a problem," he added.

Disagreeing with Ade's statement, constitutional law expert Bivitri Susanti said that it would be a grave mistake if the public were deemed not to pay attention to this Job Creation Law. This is because the public has been paying attention to this law since President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) delivered it in his inauguration speech in October 2019.

"This is a serious mistake. We have noticed from last October that we have even sued, have spoken out, but have been ignored," said Bivitri at the same event.

He even said that he had been a witness when civil society sued the process of drafting the Job Creation Law at PTUN because it was considered closed from the start. "The drafting process is very closed, even in court we have submitted various evidences that we asked for an official draft, a letter, no answers were given until the discussion process," he said.

In addition, he also said that the discussion process was only open during the public hearing process which took place in February-June. Meanwhile, for the rest, work committee meetings, said Bivitri, have been usually held in private.

"So it is claimed that there were 64 meetings, Pak Azis Syamsudin always said that. But don't forget the magnitude is 812 pages. Is it enough with 64 meetings provided that the stakeholders are not workers but also indigenous peoples and fishermen, and others," he concluded.

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