
JAKARTA - The National Police will explore the narrative issued by the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) regarding Rizieq Sihab who will lead the revolution to save Indonesia. The narrative was spelled out in a press release discussing the process of Rizieq Sihab's return to Indonesia.

"Later we will study (the narrative about the revolution, ed) yes, we will study it later," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono to reporters, Wednesday, October 14.

However, Awi was reluctant to comment when discussed further about Rizieq Sihab's return. Based on this narrative, it is said that the FPI leader will soon arrive in Indonesia. Currently he is taking care of administration.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Ahmad Sobri Lubis, said that Rizieq Shihab would soon return to Indonesia. This news was greeted with joy by the action participants.

"Announcement from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the return of the High Priest alhabib Muhammad Rizieq Husein Shihab. Alhamdulillah, we have just received important information from the Holy City of Makkah regarding the plan to return Grand Imam Alhabib Rizieq Shihab," said Ahmad Sobri on a command car, Jakarta, Tuesday, 13 October.

According to him, Habib Rizieq will return to Indonesia following the lifting of the ban by the Saudi Arabian government. The lifting of this ban, he said, was without assistance from the Indonesian government.

"Today has also been freed from any fines. Today Habib Rizieq Shihab is innocent in Saudi Arabia. Alhamdulillah be grateful," he said.

The following is the contents of the FPI press release regarding Rizieq Sihab's return and the revolution.

Alhamdulillah, we have just received important information from the holy city of Mecca regarding the plans for the return of IB-HRS (Imam Besar Habib Rizieq Shihab).

The essence of the information we receive directly from the Holy City of Mecca Al-Mukarromah is as follows:

That after going through a long negotiation process between IB-HRS and the SAUDI ARABIA AUTHORITY, without the help of the ZALIM INDONESIA regime, finally there is clarity and a bright spot regarding the return of IB-HRS.

Alhamdulillah it was Thank God.

On this day IB-HRS officially has its CEKAL revoked and has been released from any FINE, because IB-HRS is NOT GUILTY.

Furthermore, 1B-HRS is waiting for BAYAN SAFAR ADMINISTRATION PROCESS (Exit Permit) & Ticket Purchasing, and Scheduling for DEPARTURE to INDONESIA.

DPP FPI & UMAT ISLAM INDONESIA would like to express special THANK YOU to the Saudi Government and all parties who have taken part in helping IB-HRS, including all Ummah who always pray for him.

God willing, IB-HRS will soon return to Indonesia to lead the REVOLUTION to SAVE THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. ALLAH IS THE GREATEST.

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