
JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said there was a transfer of the Transjakarta route specifically for corridor 1 with the Blok M-Kota route.

This is the impact of today's demonstration action plan. The mass organizations that will carry out this action are the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Ulama Fatwa Guard National Movement (GNPF).

"Transjakarta transportation operation corridor 1 will adjust traffic arrangements in the field," said Syafrin in his statement, Tuesday, October 13.

Syafrin explained that the Transjakarta buses heading to Blok M had undergone an adjustment. The bus from Simpang Harmoni turns left and makes a U-turn after the Juanda Transjakarta Bus Stop, then the TJ Petojo Bus Stop goes off the lane to Simpang Tarakan.

From Tarakan Intersection turn left to Jalan Cideng Timur, Jalan Jati Baru, Hotel Tugu Asri, Simpang Hotel Milenium, then on Jalan Kebon Sirih, until Ake Simpang Bank Indonesia turn right to TJ Sarinah Bus Stop, towards Blok M.

Meanwhile, adjust the bus route towards the City. Bus from Blok M exits the lane at Simpang Sarinah, Simpang Bank Indonesia, then turn left to Jalan Kebon Sirih, Hotel Milenium turn left to Jalan Fakhrudin, Jati Baru then go straight to Jalan Cideng Barat, Simpang Tarakan turn right, then Transjakarta Petojo Bus Stop, Simpang Harmoni then turns left towards Kota.

Apart from that, since last night until today, the Jakarta Transportation Agency has also closed a number of roads around Monas.

The roads that are closed are Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jalan Museum, Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Jalan Majapahit, Jalan Veteran, and there will be a situational closure on Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan and Jalan Budi Kemerdekaan.

"In order to be a concern for people who are about to do their activities, since last night we have closed a number of roads. For this reason, we have also prepared diversion of traffic flow," said Syafrin.

The following is a detailed traffic flow diversion scheme:

1. Traffic from the North / City direction is diverted at Harmoni Junction - Juanda Street - Pos Street - Gunung Sahari Street and so on.

2. Traffic from the South / Blok M direction is diverted via Jalan Kebon Sirih - Jalan Fakhrudin - Jalan Cideng Barat - Jalan Suryopranoto / Jalan Budi Kemerdekaan - Jalan Abdul Muis and so on.

3. Traffic from the West / Slipi direction is diverted through Jalan Kebon Sirih - Tugu Tani - Kwitang / Jalan Budi Kemerdekaan - Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan - Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur and so on.

4. Traffic from the East / Pulogadung direction is diverted via Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan - Jalan Budi Kemerdekaan - Jalan Abdul Muis and so on.

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