
JAKARTA - A video of a student group making TikTok content in the middle of a demonstration rejecting the Job Creation Law circulating on social media. This student danced while teasing the DPR.

Judging from Instagram @infobone, there are 5 people wearing a natural environment rocking while singing sarcastically at the DPR. This content was created in the middle of a road that was closed because the demonstration crowd gathered.

When TikTok content was being made, other demo participants lined up to see the student action. There is no mention of the campus origin of the student who created this TikTok content.

Demonstrations against the Job Creation Law were chaotic in many areas. In Medan, the North Sumatra DPRD office and the mall were stoned. At the Udayana Campus in Bali, the police forcibly dispersed students who had rioted.

In Makassar, the demonstration was centered at the South Sulawesi DPRD building. Students reportedly continued to fight against the police around the Jalan Urip Sumoharjo flyover.

Meanwhile in Jakarta, police posts in a number of places were burned. TransJakarta bus stops have also become targets of mob fury. There were even mobs who attacked and destroyed the ESDM office.

Polda Metro Jaya arrested a thousand people suspected of being linked to the riots in Jakarta. The police identified them as members of the Anarko group.

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