
JAKARTA - Sad news came from senior singer Mamiek Slamet. The former vocalist of the band Facoulite reportedly passed away Thursday, November 16 night.

The news was confirmed by Oni, the deceased's son, to the media crew via text message.

Innaalillaahi wa innaailaihi raji'un, has passed away, Actor/Singer Legend Cak MAMIEK SLAMET, Thursday night Friday, November 16, 2023 at 21.45 at Sari Asih Hospital Ciputat, South Tangerang," said Oni, Friday, November 17.

After being buried at the funeral home located in Kampung Sawah Poncol, Ciputat, South Tangerang, the body was buried this afternoon.

"Please forgive if there was a mistake in the deceased during his life," concluded the deceased's son.

For information, Mamiek Slamet was once the vocalist of the band Favorite who performed Pop Mellow, Classic, Keroncong, and Malay songs.

Fovorite is also known to be a group for big names in the Indonesian music world, including Mus Mulyadi, A. Riyanto, Is Haryanto and Tommy WS.

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