
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Music Award Foundation (YAMI) initiated more protection for traditional musicians through the AMI Care program.

In collaboration with the Employment Social Security Administration (BPJS) and the Federation of Indonesian Musician Unions (FESMI), YAMI encourages traditional musicians to get self-protection in their work by registering as BPJS Employment participants.

The AMI Peduli program is also supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), several companies and figures who provide a sum of money to pay BPJS Ketenagakerjaan contributions for traditional musicians.

Candra Darusman as the General Chair of YAMI said this program had been running for the past year, and he wanted other traditional musicians to join.

Candra sees that there is not much awareness of traditional musicians about safety protection. Even though their role for the national music industry cannot be underestimated.

"Traditional music is the foundation of Indonesian pop music. We want to give awards in the form of allowances for their lives (traditional musicians)," said Candra Darusman at a press conference in Senayan, Central Jakarta, Monday, November 6.

There are at least two programs provided by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan for traditional musicians who registered, namely protection for work accidents and deaths.

"From some of the programs we have, we focus on two programs, namely work and death accidents," said Rommi Irawan representing BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

"As long as they have an accident in their activities as musicians, it will be covered by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," he continued.

Meanwhile, Pandu Pradana representing the Ministry of Education and Culture said the support provided was an effort to provide comfort for musicians in their work, so that traditional Indonesian music was maintained.

This program is to provide comfort for musicians so that when they work they are not afraid. We want the state to be present, so that they can continue to work," concluded Pandu Pradana.

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