
JAKARTA - Brisia Jodie is back with a new single titled Second time today, Friday, October 13.

Through his latest song this time, the singer from Yogyakarta is happy to be able to greet listeners again with confused songs.

"I'm really happy to be able to launch a single, but I'm back to the song confused. So, this is different from my single which was released this year. They are all happy singles. Now the singles are confused again," said Brisia Jodie in Senayan, Central Jakarta on Thursday, October 12.

Meanwhile, the Second time it tells the feeling of hurt experienced by a person repeatedly for the second time.

"This song tells of a person who has been hurt by his partner. After being hurt, this person still allows his partner to return to his life. Until finally he was hurt for the second time," said Brisia Jodie.

The essence of this song is a sense of hurt and annoyance because someone who has been given a second chance is actually wasting this opportunity.

Instead of building a healthy and good relationship in the future, the person actually repeated the same mistake.

Brisia Jodie is happy to be back with the theme of the song confused. The reason is, he sees that his image as a solo singer is more suitable for the song confusion.

"I really fit the song confused. That's why I was nicknamed the Princess of Galau Indonesia. The queen is Teh Oca (Rossa). So, it is often said to be like that," he said.

In this single, Brisia Jodie also released a video clip. Described that Jodie has a kind of super ability that can write his own love story.

In the video clip, it can be seen that Brisia Jodie wrote her love story over and over again. She hopes to have a happy ending with her loved ones.

However, that didn't happen. In the end, he realized that fate could not be changed and could not be fought.

Brisia Jodie Released The Second Single The Second Time (Ivan Two Putra/VO

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