
JAKARTA - The 1960s Indonesian music archive exhibition by Irama Nusantara was officially opened at the National Awakening Museum, Central Jakarta on Saturday, September 16.

With the title 'From Ngak Ngik Ngok to Dheg Dheg Plas', the music archive exhibition will last for a full month, until October 15.

There are three zones that visitors can enter to see the journey of Indonesian music in the 1960s, namely the Legend Zone, the Old Order Zone and the New Order Zone.

In the Legend Zone, there is an initial travel archive for the development of the popular Indonesian music industry (pre 1960s).

In the second zone, Indonesia's popular music industry archives will be shown under the administration of the Old Order (1960-1965).

Meanwhile, in the third zone a portrait of the popular music industry under the New Order (1966-1969) administration is presented.

Chairman of the Irama Nusantara Foundation, Dian Onno, said the existence of the Ngak Ngik Ngok exhibition to Dheg Dheg Plas to introduce Indonesian music in the 1960s era of society.

"Hopefully, all of your friends will be able to see the 60s of music," said Dian Onno when giving a speech at the opening of the Ngak Ngik Ngok exhibition to Dheg Dheg Plas at the National Awakening Museum on Saturday, September 16.

"Hopefully it can make the Indonesian people get to know and love Indonesian music again," he continued.

Apart from music, there were also old 1960s films. Some old films that will be screened include:

1. Amor and Humor - 17 September2. Odd Star (Version Restoration) - 24 September, 17 September)3. Cheque AA - 1 October 4. Artist Holiday - 8 October, 17 September5. Big Village - 14 October6. Behind Tjahaja Gemerlap - 14 October

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