
JAKARTA The East son again throws a new single titled Bayang-Bayang on various digital streaming services.

This news was reported through his personal Instagram account, as well as an explanation regarding the meaning of the Bayang-Bayang song.

Bayang-Bayang is intact to be yours. A song about the sinking of a feeling of wishful thinking that leads to a one-sided love," said Putra.

Please note, Bayang-Bayang is the East Men's first single this year. After 2022 she gave birth to a single titled Romansa Cinta.

In addition, he also made other singles such as Forever Lasting Joy (2021), Another Employment Glass (2020), Bersemi (2020), Merengkuh Mesra (2019), Sejenak (2019), and Two Scenes (2017).

It doesn't stop there, this musician from Jakarta has also made an EP entitled The Loneliest Man on Earth (2018). After that, he continued to make an album entitled Mahligai (2020).

The song Bayang-Bayang can be heard on various digital streaming services.

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