
JAKARTA - The leading motor equipment company Dainese, the owner of the famous AGV Helmets helmet, has announced a revolutionary move in the motorcycle industry: a helmet recycling program aimed at reducing plastic waste.

Launching Motorcyclenews, Saturday, December 14, this program, dubbed "Life Impacto", is the first industrial solution to recycle unused motor helmets. Previously, used helmets usually ended up in landfills or burned.

Dainese plans to recycle plastic from used helmets and use them to create new components for AGV helmets. The ultimate goal of this project is to create a fully sustainable helmet model, without using glue and by reducing the amount of different materials, thereby facilitating the recycling process.

Dainese is not alone in this project. They are working with several Italian companies, including Innovando, Re-Sport, Misitano & Stracuzzi, and Bologna University. Together, they will develop efficient technology and recycling processes.

The recycling process begins by collecting used helmets from various dealers in Europe. The helmets will then be processed in special facilities using natural solvents from food industry waste to separate various types of plastic. So far, it is reported that 24 dealers across Europe will take part, and the program will begin in February 2025.

Separated plastics will then be used to create new components for AGV helmets. Dainese is committed to maintaining the quality and safety of helmets generated from recycled materials.

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