
JAKARTA History today, 92 years ago, October 12, 1931, the Statue of Christ Tujuh (Cristo Redentor) located on Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was inaugurated. The inauguration was warmly welcomed by the whole of Brazil.

Christ's statue later became the global icon of Rio de Janeiro City. Previously, the idea of building a large religious statue on Mount Corcovado had been around for a long time. The Catholic Christian leader, Pedro Maria Boss is behind it.

The dominance of Portuguese colonialism in Brazil is gone in the world. The influence of the Portuguese was great. From language to religious matters. Even Catholicism dominates the entire territory controlled by the Brazilian Empire. This power made Catholic Christian leaders so respected.

Pedro Maria Boss, for example. his voice is often heard by the Brazilian Empire. He also had the idea that Brazil would make the largest religious monument in the 1850s era. The statue is planned to be present on Mount Corcovado.

Pedro Maria is like trying to make the statue the center of the universe. He translates the Bible verse Matthew 25:32, then all nations will be gathered before Him. However, Pedro's goal is not only that.

Instead of just being an affirmer of Catholic domination in Brazil, the statue was seen as a tribute to koherence, the daughter of the Brazilian Emperor, Pedro II. The result was not as expected. The idea never came to an execution. In fact, until the monarchy that haunts Brazil soon collapsed.

However, Pedro Maria's idea never disappeared, or disappeared. Even though Pedro Maria is dead. The Catholic Archdiocese in Rio de haro tried to continue his dream. They tried to propose the construction of a 38-meter-high statue of Christ located at the top of the 704-meter mountain to be carried out in 1921.

This desire is so that the Catholic statue can be seen from all over. Construction was established. Statue designers were also chosen. Like a tit for tat. Brazilian President Epitacio Pessoa allowed the construction of a statue on Mount Corcovado.

The laying of the foundation stone was carried out on April 4, 1922. The laying of the stone was carried out to commemorate the centenary of Brazilian independence from the Portuguese. Even though the final design of the monument was not yet plenaryly selected.

In the same year, Diocese held a competition to find a statue designer. Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa was chosen. The election was based on a sketch of the figure of Christ who held the cross in his right hand and the world in his left hand. He teamed up with Brazilian artist Carlos Oswald, then changed the plan.

Oswald suggested the idea of pose the figure of Christ standing with his hands wide open. French stunter Paul Landowski was then contacted to collaborate with Silva Costa in the final design. Funds were collected privately, especially by the church. Development began in 1926 and continued for five years," it says on the Britannica page, August 14, 2023.

The construction of the Statue of Christ, then known as the Statue of Christ, brings results. The construction was reportedly summarized in 1931. The government and the local diocese then inaugurated the Statue of Christ on October 12, 1931.

The inauguration was greeted with joy by the whole of Brazil. Even Pedro Maria's wish, who wants Brazil to have a large statue of the symbol of Catholicism, has finally materialized. The statue of Christ Almighty has become a popular icon of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. Moreover, then the statue can become the main 'gate' to bring tourists from all over the world to come to Brazil.

Paras Jesus in the statue of Deco in 1931 is neat and slick, with a smile on his lips, but without apath. There is no pain and mercy in the fire. Cristo Redentor is only far, high, attractive, and we can achieve it by taking the elevator. Tourists also come, photographing. Under the marble pedestal there is a niche made for a small chapel. In that room it looks like a modern medium, three rows of wooden chairs with tall backs are woven. It looks more like a bar.

A Pope has come here. But can people still pray, actually? Today no one prays. But maybe this is not the place. Throughout the history of centuries, humans have always given the best and most expensive to praise God. But also at the top of Mount Corcovado we don't know what is celebrated: greatness. God, or greatness of humans who are able to build something powerful about the greatness of God, "explained Sastrawan Goenawan Mohamad in the book God and Unfinished Things (2018).

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