
JAKARTA History today, 60 years ago, March 28, 1963, President Soekarno appointed Indonesia's freedom fighter, Tan Malaka as a National Hero. The decision cannot be contested. Soekarno believes Tan Malaka is a true fighter who loves the nation and state of Indonesia.

Previously, Tan Malaka was known as a freedom fighter who was a socialist. His struggle often provoked admiration. Therefore, Tan Malaka's sacrifice for Indonesia cannot be doubted.

The names Tan Malaka may not be as famous as Soekarno and Hatta. However, that does not mean that Tan Malaka's contribution is small to Indonesia's independence. Andilnya fighting for Indonesian independence amazed many people.

It all started when he witnessed the suffering of the bumiputras himself. For him, colonialism is a stupid. Moreover, access to limited education. He also moved to build a school. He devoted himself as a teacher to instill awareness of independence to the natives.

This effort was accompanied by his participation in joining the Indische Social Democracy Vereeniging (ISDV), which became the forerunner of the Indonesian Communist Party. The struggle angered the Dutch. He was later exiled to the Netherlands.

However, exile is a valuable teacher for Tan Malaka. He was able to go ahead to various countries. In fact, he had made his valuable masterpiece for the Indonesian people in overseas: Naar de Republishek. The small book contains the concept of the Indonesian nation.

It was this thought that made Tan Malaka known as the Father of the Nation. However, not all Tan Malaka's thoughts were accepted by all freedom fighters. During the revolutionary era, for example. Tan Malaka was often in a position opposite other national figures until he died in 1949.

"That since 1945 the Indonesian people have been brought by their leaders from the start to the left and then to the right. The people are used, follow and trust the abilities and sincerity of the leaders. On the other hand, leaders are obliged to instill courage and honesty, and devote their efforts to the interests of the people.."

If the leader rides a car, lives in a good building, and is dressed expensively, they will not get support. The people do not understand diplomacy, meanwhile they must evacuate. The people do not know that the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia is negotiating with Dutch dolls, and not with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands," explained Tan Malaka as written by Harry A. Poeze in the bookTan Malaka, Left Movement, and Indonesian Revolution Volume 3(2019).

It could be that Tan Malaka has passed away. However, his services as a fighter of Indonesian independence were not forgotten by history. President Soekarno then appointed Tan Malaka as Indonesia's National Hero on March 28, 1963.

Bung Karno believes Tan Malaka has a big contribution to Indonesia. Bung Karno's decision could not be disturbed. Even though some people think that Tan Malaka's actions during his lifetime have caused a lot of controversy.

Another step in the rehabilitation of Tan Malaka was taken on March 28, 1963. Soekarno appointed him as the Hero of National Independence. Thus, he passed the request of the Murba Party. This decision cannot be withdrawn. Tan Malaka is a member of the ranks of the National Heroes.

"At the same time, he is a controversial National Hero because he is considered a communist by nationalist parties and religious parties, but is considered a traitor by communists. Outside of Murba, he asked the leader of the Army, AH Nasution, who expressed his respect for Tan Malaka. This is in line with Nasution's admiration for Tan Malaka which he has long felt," said Harry A. Poeze in another article in the book New Perspective of Indonesian History Writing (2008).

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