
JAKARTA - Babi Yar is a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev. There, the Germans killed at least 33 thousand more Jews. This incident is also known as the Babi Yar massacre. Today Babi Yar has become a symbol of the gruesome killing of Jews by the Nazis. And until now the world has failed to acknowledge the tragedy that befell the Jews.

Eight decades ago, the Wehrmacht, Nazi German soldiers were busy invading and conquering parts of Europe while killing millions of Jews and other minority members in death camps and labor camps. They also carried out massacres on the streets, in forests and other locations.

On September 19, 1941, German troops captured Kiev, Ukraine. Within a week, several buildings occupied by the German military were blown up by the secret police of the Soviet Union. In return, the Germans continued to kill all the Jews in Kiev.

Launching Berlin Spectator , Wednesday, September 30, about 150 thousand Jews in Kiev fled before the Germans arrived. Field Marshal Walter Karl Ernst August von Reichenau and his men decided to kill 50,000 Jews who were still in Kiev. Most of them are mothers and children, as well as parents. The Nazis justified the assassination campaign as an act of revenge for the explosion by the Soviet Union.

The Nazis disguised themselves as 'evacuating all Jews' in the city. On September 28, 1941, the Nazis posted notices on walls all over Kiev. They said all Jews needed to gather on September 29, 1941 near the train station. They must wear warm clothes and carry their documents, valuables and money with them. Anyone who did not follow orders would be shot, the announcement said.

36 hours of carnage

The notice did not say that all Jews who obeyed the order would be taken to Babi Yar and killed, including babies, children of all ages, as well as the elderly and elderly. The announcement also made no mention that this would be one of the worst massacres perpetrated by Nazi Germany in the ongoing war.

Arriving at the location, the Jews were ordered to take off all their clothes. Dina Pronicheva is one of the few survivors. His story about the events at Babi Yar describes the most terrible crimes on Earth.

"They lay on top of the person who was killed and are waiting for a shot from above. Then the next group came. For thirty-six hours, the Jews came to die, ”said Dina Pronicheva.

Dina Pronicheva survived by pretending to be dead when the Nazis shot everyone who was still moving. Then he managed to crawl out from under the pile of bodies. He also crawled through the ground covering the victims.

“Some people die when they think of other people, like the mother who asked to be shot along with her 15 year old daughter Sara. Until the very last moment, he was worried. If he saw his daughter being shot, he would not have to witness her being raped. Another naked mother spends her last moments breastfeeding her baby. When a newborn baby is thrown alive, he jumps too, "she softly whispered.

A total of 33,771 Jews were shot within 36 hours. This figure is part of the proposed 'incident report'. The Jews who had not died were buried alive when the Nazis blew up the edge of the Babi Yar cliff.

Between 1941 and 1943, thousands more Jews, Soviet Union officials, and prisoners of war were executed at Babi Yar in the same way. When German soldiers withdrew from the Soviet Union, the Nazis attempted to hide evidence of the massacre by burying the bodies and burning them in large piles of wood. Many eye witnesses and other evidence, however, prove the atrocities at Babi Yar were symbolic of the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust.

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