
JAKARTA - A new trend in the world of traveling has emerged recently, namely the trend of naked traveling. This is a travel trend where someone travels without carrying a lot of goods.

Launching from the New York Post, on Monday, December 16, 2024, this new trend is a general flight activity. However, what distinguishes is how the perpetrators of this trend travel without carrying a lot of goods, so they are free from the high cost of aircraft baggage.

"Later on, passengers will fly at an altitude of 30 feet and travel without luggage," said New York content creator

In the video, it looks like you are boarding a plane without carrying a suitcase. How come it is one of many minimalist-principled people who follow this trend.

How could you choose to avoid the hassle of paying more than 35 dollars or Rp. 560 thousand to transport his luggage with baggage.ird freedom of traveling without bringing much goods, which is also felt by those who apply the naked traveling trend.

"Wake up and decide to take the plane without a bag that isdaftr on trips or luggage, only feels the sensation," said fashionista Alan King, who also applies the naked traveling trend.

The trend of naked traveling is often done by tourists to save costs when traveling. The viral trend is said to be appropriate, because several major world airlines such as American Airlines, JetBlue, and Delta Airlines recently set new rules.

This rule is related to price adjustments in 2025. The adjustment states a new baggage fee policy, luggage policy, and other general rules.

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