
YOGYAKARTA - Nails are often considered less important parts of the body. In fact, the condition of the nails can be a reflection of the overall health of the body. One of the changes that need to be watched out for is the appearance of black stripes.

Although often taken lightly, black stripes on nails can be a sign of serious health problems. This article will discuss further the causes, symptoms, and how to deal with black stripes on nails.

Reporting from the medicalnewstoday page, generally the dark lines on the nails are caused by conditions known as melanonychia linear. These lines are more common in people with dark skin colors.

Usually, healthy finger nails have a small vertical groove, curls down from the tip of the nail, and is not easily cracked or broken. However, sometimes a person may experience black stripes on the nails, which are characterized below:

When a person experiences linear melanonychia, they may see dark lines elongated along the nails. These lines can vary in color, from black to dark brown and gray. Most of the people who experience this color change experience it on more than one nail.

When a person experiences subungual melanoma, they will usually see lines on just one fingerprint. Often, they cannot connect the appearance of these lines with previous injuries.

Usually, the black line from the subungual melanoma will become darker or wider over time. Sometimes, the nails will feel pain or bleeding.

In addition, pigmentation can also spread to areas where nails meet the kutikula. This condition is known as the Hutchinson Sign, which is often an indicator of melanoma. The line can appear both on the nails and on the feet.

Splinter bleeding appears as small lines of black or dark red color and is caused by injuries to small blood vessels under the base of the nail. Usually, this bleeding heals by itself in a few days.

If a person has a lot of splinter bleeding in several different nails, then it could indicate other underlying conditions.

According to the study, almost everyone from Afro-Karibia developed dark pigmentation on their nails at the age of 50 years. Thus, melanonychia linearly is considered a variation of natural nail color.

Melanonychia linear occurs when the pigment on the nails, known as melanocytes, produces excess pigment. This causes the base of the nails to become dark. However, there are reasons why melanonychia nails are less common including:

Also read the article that discusses 7 Problems on Nails that Cannot Be Ignored, Acquires Autoimmune Effects or Certain Diseases

But even more seriously, black stripes on nails can indicate melanoma which is a dangerous form of skin cancer.

Melanoma under the nails is known as a subungual melanoma, or one of the types of melanoma known as melanoma lentigo acral (ALM). However, ALM is a rare type of melanoma, and 2-3% of humans were diagnosed with this melanoma.

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