
Prilly Latuconsina will soon release her latest film entitled Can I Just Cry with other players such as Dikta Wicaksono, Widi Mulia to Surya Saputra.

Prilly will play the role of Dance which has a habit of harboring her sadness. To play this role, Prilly admitted that she changed some of her appearances.

"Yes, I wear braces. Then I really don't make up either. Also treat acne," said Prilly Latuconsina in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, Thursday, September 19.

He said that this was a form of research he did before filming to show the impact of the stress experienced by Tari.

"Actually, it's more technical, like we're doing research, right? When people are stressed, it's usually the impact, what is the impact of getting physical attention? Some are stressed, so if they are stressed, they can increase their weight. There are also people who are stressed and don't have a desire to eat, so they are thin. There are also people whose hormone stress is disturbed, so acne," explained Prilly Latuconsina.

"Well, so we choose the physical condition that suits people if they are stressed. The easiest way to apply makeup is acne. That's why we give acne to Dance as a sign that she is a student at home," he explained.

It is planned that the film, which is adapted from the song Runtuh, sung by the female singer Feby Putri, will be shown in theaters starting October 17.

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