
YOGYAKARTA The neck of the pain can be felt when you lie down or sit down. Even if you are in a severe condition, when you stand up you can feel the pain. This discomfort is caused by a number of things. Maybe it stems from neck structural problems such as joint inflammation or degenerated disks.

Frequently, the cause of neck pain is due to tensions in the neck muscles. This can be triggered by certain daily activities. Here, an explanation of why the neck hurts.

Do you often watch dramas in dozens of episodes? Be careful, maybe this can cause the neck pain the next day. According to physical therapist David Evangelista as reported by Harvard Health, Friday, October 6, many people lean back while watching TV. This means that the neck sticks back. There are also those who take a comfortable position tilted to the side. These two positions, according to Evangelista, can make the neck muscle tense. Evangelista suggests, use a horseshoe-shaped pillow to comfortably lean back to a comfortable position.

You may turn your body forward all day long. Whether it's facing a monitor or at someone else's direction while chatting. If you always stick your neck out, it can make the muscles tense and cause pain. How to prevent or reduce pain in the neck because of this position, keep your back straight and tilt your hips forward. If you can't see your computer monitor properly, pull closer to you or enlarge the font size.

Wearing a bra with a little buffer makes your muscles and ligaments do all the heavy work. For someone with large breasts, the extra load can pull the neck forward and press the muscles of the neck and shoulders, causing neck and back pain. To prevent this, get a better bra. Make sure the bottom and center of the bra stick flat to the body, the cup is not too tight or too loose, the bra strap is aligned and doesn't go up. Or you can use a sports bra or posture bra that brings the breast load closer to the ribs and distributes it throughout your body.

Sleep doesn't seem dangerous, but some sleeping positions pose a big risk to the neck. When you sleep on your stomach, for example, you turn your head to your side. A tilted sleep without proper support pushes your neck towards your shoulder. Staying in this position for hours can cause tension and neck muscle aches. Evangelista advises, avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you sleep sideways, check the buffer under your neck.

"Liding tilted with your head on the pillow. If you can easily slip your hands in the space between your head and your shoulders, it means you don't get enough support at night. Get a new pillow to fill that gap. Any material you can do, "said Evangelista.

For many people, sitting comfortably means bowing, which has a bad impact on your neck and back. Poor body posture causes abnormal tensions in the spine, including necks and ligaments that bring it together, and it can cause pain, Evangelista said.

So to prevent the neck pain, sit upright. Pull your chin back, lower your shoulders, and curvature your back. If this is difficult at first, sit down on the edge of your chair for a few minutes, which will make sitting slightly upright easier, then sit down further back in the chair. If possible, get an ergonomic table chair with a lower back support, adjustable altitude, and a thick seat pad.


- https://voi.id/olahraga/308897/gerakan-yoga-untuk-melancarkan-haid

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/306610/alasan-tidak-boleh-tidur-tengkurap

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- https://voi.id/lifestyle/291626/muncul-bintik-merah-karena-anemia-kenali-cara-mengobatinya

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/280198/apa-itu-saraf-kejepit


In addition to the five causes of the neck pain above, staring at the electronic screen for a long duration also causes tension in the neck muscles. This means that you need to consider the duration or put it on a small seat so that the neck does not bow forward.

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