
JAKARTA - There is a reason why bodybuilders and gym visitors consume more protein than other foods, this is of course because protein has a myriad of properties and is urgently needed by the human body.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends a diet allowance for adults who do not move much is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. That means an average daily intake of 46 grams of protein for women and 56 grams of protein for men.

However, some people with certain conditions need more protein. The protein's utilities are certainly very large, however, here are five protein benefits that we managed to summarize, as Eatthis reported some time ago.

1. Help reduce appetite

Protein affects our hormones that regulate hunger, especially the hormone ghrelin and peptide YY (PYY). Ghrelin helps by suppressing hunger signals and PYY has been shown to reduce food intake and increase energy spending," said dietist from Top Nutrition Coaching, Megan Hilbert, MS, RDN.

2. Help lose weight

Protein is a filling nutrient, meaning protein can help you feel full longer, and if you're not hungry as usual, it's likely that someone will consume less calories.

"Proteins have a higher food thermal effect (TEF) than carbohydrates and fats, meaning the body burns more calories in the process of digesting, absorbing, and utilizing protein," said another Top Nutrition Coaching dietist, Jordan Hill, MCD, RD, CSSD.

3. Build and maintain muscles

One of the most well-known benefits of protein is its ability to support muscle formation. Muscle building is the key to staying lean and strong, and one cannot grow or maintain muscles with a low diet of proteins.

Protein plays an important role in building and maintaining muscles through a process called muscle protein synthesis, Hill said. Synthesis of muscle proteins is exactly what it sounds like, this is the creation of a new muscle protein molecule to repair and grow muscle tissue. Combining enough protein intake with proper endurance and feeding time exercises can optimize muscle protein synthesis and contribute to muscle development and overall strength.

4. Increase metabolism

"Currently everyone wants to increase their metabolism, but what exactly does that mean? Simply put, increasing metabolism refers to increasing body speed When burning calories or emitting energy, said Hill. This can help support weight management, energy levels, nutrient utilization, and blood sugar control. Proteins can also help the body burn more calories during rest, which indicates an increase in metabolism.

5. Prevent injury with age

Protein helps build and maintain muscles, and this is very important with age due to the unfortunate phenomenon called sarkopenia.

"Sarkopenia is the gradual loss of muscle mass that started in the 30s and continued into old age," Hilbert said.

But getting enough protein can help this natural process by ensuring our muscles have the material needed. As a result, muscle mass loss can contribute to reduced ability to carry out basic activities, such as up stairs and an increased risk of injury.

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