
YOGYAKARTA The tantrums in children are natural and are experienced by many children at the age of toddlers. This condition also has its own period, so it doesn't happen every year. Young parents must know the understanding of tantrums until when the tantrum period in children will end.

This article will discuss tantrums in children as provisions for young parents in order to deal with them later.

Quoted from AI Care, tantrums are emotional conditions experienced by children in the form of crying, shouting, hitting, anger, to rolling on the floor. The tantrum is also associated with emotional development in children. However, it should be noted that tantrums can also occur in adults. The causes of adult tantrums are also diverse.

Child and adolescent psychologist, Vera Itabiliana K. Hadiwidjojo, Psi from the University of Indonesia's Applied Psychology Institute (UI) explained that the tantrum in children arises because there is a condition that is not what the child wants.

For example, children will go berserk because they don't get the toys they ask for, or are in conditions that make them uncomfortable. It can happen anywhere like in a mall or on the road, and it can happen anytime.

The tantrum period in children themselves usually starts from the age of 1 year to approaching the age of 5. While the peak, according to Vera's explanation, tantrums can occur from the age of 1 to 3 years.

Tantrum is experienced a lot by children. However, parents can understand exactly what causes tantrums in children. One of the common triggers is that children cannot express emotions with words, so that emotional overflow is issued. The specific cause of tantrums is as follows, reported by Cleveland Clinic

Sometimes parents choose to obey the child's wishes so that tantrum conditions can subside quickly. When tantrums occur, both the father and mother can do the following things so that the tantrums subside immediately.

When facing the child's tantrum, parents are prohibited from shouting let alone hitting. This situation will actually worsen the tantrum. In addition, shouting and hitting will actually leave a traumatic side to the child.

Tantrum is triggered because the child wants something. In order for this condition to be avoided, try to divert the child's attention to other things. For example, parents can drink to relieve their cries, or carry them and hug them tightly.

Parents can also have a dialogue with their children and question what made them angry. Calm the child first so that he can communicate well.

That's information about when tantrums in children end. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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