
YOGYAKARTA Do you know what factors can make the taste of coffee maximize? Yap! The quality and taste of coffee are influenced by the method of brewing, screening (roasting), to water ratio.

In addition, there are other factors that cannot be underestimated, namely the water temperature. Well, in this article, the ideal water temperature will be discussed to brew coffee. Read it all the way out, yes!

According to the National Coffe Association, the ideal water temperature for brewing coffee is 195 to 205 degrees Fahrenheit or 90 to 96 degrees Celsius.

However, some people usually use temperatures below 90 degrees Celsius when brewing coffee with the pour over method.

Everything goes back to their own taste. What is clear is that temperatures should not be above 96 degrees Celsius, because it will make coffee more bitter and the taste of coffee can be lost.

So, how to control the water temperature used to brew coffee?

The easiest way to control water temperature or temperature is to use a thermometer.

Selain thermometer, Anda juga bisa menggunakan caliber neck gajah yang sudah dilengkapi dengan pengutur suhu di dalamnya.

By using this cassava, you can easily keep the water temperature ideal before being used to brew coffee.

How To Combed Coffee With The Pour Over Method

Pour over is the simplest method of brewing coffee by pouring hot water into the coffee powder in the top bangian cup.

The foam is usually coated with filter paper so that the coffee grounds don't dissolve into the bottom of the cup.

After the hot water is poured, coffee water will slowly flow to the bottom of the cup and coffee drinks are ready to be enjoyed.

One method is very easy to do and is usually applied in any coffee shops.

Summarized from various sources, here's how to brew coffee with the pour over method that you need to know:

That's the information about the ideal water temperature to brew coffee. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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