
YOGYAKARTA - Formula milk is one of the nutritional intakes that parents can choose to give to their children. Although it is beneficial for both the child's nutrition and growth and development, not all babies are compatible with formula milk. Some babies are actually allergic to this beverage product. So how do you know a baby with a formula allergy?

Parents are required to know whether or not the drink intake is suitable for the baby, one of which is formula milk. If the baby is not suitable for consuming formula milk products, it will experience harmful symptoms for health. If this condition is allowed to interfere with the child's growth and development.

When a baby doesn't match the formula, the little one will show signs of allergies that parents can observe. So how do you know a baby with a formula allergy?

Parents must accept and realize the parenting fact that not all babies are suitable for formulas. Not a few small children who are allergic to formula milk are caused by the excessive immune response of the baby to one protein in the product.

When consuming formula milk, babies can also experience lactose intolerance due to body reactions that are unable to digest lactose, namely natural sugar and animal milk. Usually those who are allergic to formula milk will usually experience a number of signs or symptoms related to their health.

The following is a guide for parents to find out whether their child is suitable or not consuming formula milk.

That's a review of how to find out a baby is allergic to formula milk. If your child shows signs that it is not suitable to eat formula milk, then immediately stop providing this intake to your little one. You can consult a doctor to find out the intake of a drink that is suitable for your child.

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