
JAKARTA - Parents and mothers as parents must be able to maintain their quality so that children are protected from narcotics and drugs (drugs). The quality in question is to consistently fill the role as father and mother figures, so that the child's social and emotional needs can be met.

"So it's not just meeting physical or economic needs, but the need for emotions and social needs, so that they actually interact with children in real terms," said Clinical Psychologist who graduated from the University of Indonesia Ratih Yuniarti Pratiwi., S.Psi., M.Psi. quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, June 27.

The psychologist who practices at the Cancil Clinic said that this was not trivial, considering that many of Indonesia's children were emotionally neglected, with the lack of a father or mother figure.

Lack of father and mother figures, according to Ratih, can be fatal in children's growth and development, including increasing the chances of children falling into illegal drugs.

"Certainly what will be disturbed is the literacy of children's emotions that become problematic, they will find it difficult to express emotions, anxiety increases, or even behavior that becomes deviant, it is very likely to happen," explained Ratih.

Furthermore, Ratih said there were no ideal or perfect family dynamics. He suggests conducting family therapy with professional staff such as psychologists or psychiatrists.

According to him, in addition to being able to unravel the tangled threads of the problem, therapy can help each family member open up to each other.

It can also help to restore the role of each family member, especially for families with drug addicts in it.

"I will always suggest family therapy, because children are entitled to their rights, and return the family to its function. Psychological assistance is also an effort to restore function," said Ratih.

Not long ago, Indonesia was said to be the third fatherless' country in the world. This means that many Indonesian children lack a father figure in their life.

This is stated in the socialization program carried out by Sebelas Maret University (UNS) students entitled "The Role of Father in the Process of Lowering Fatherless Country Level Number 3 Most in the World."

Narcotics abuse among the younger generation is also increasing in Indonesia. Based on data from the Ministry of Communication and Information in 2021, drug use among young people aged 15-35 years reached 82.4 percent.

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