
YOGYAKARTA - Until now, several government agencies with high salaries are in great demand and reaping the spotlight. The reason is that being a civil servant (PNS) is still very attractive and is the dream of many people. Curious what are the agencies with the highest performance allowances?

Because, the civil servant profession is considered as a comfortable profession and guarantees until old age. This can still be seen from the number of people who register when the government opens vacancies for prospective civil servants (CPNS) every year.

So what are the government institutions with the highest income? Follow the descriptions collected by us.

Directorate General of Taxes

Civil servants at the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) are ASN who have a large performance allowance compared to other government institutions in Indonesia. The performance allowance of DGT civil servants is contained in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) no 37 of 2015.

Where the lowest allowance is set at IDR 5,361,800 for the executive position level and the highest at IDR 117,375,000 for the echelon I level or the Director General of Taxes

DKI Jakarta Provincial Government

The allowance for civil servants in DKI Jakarta Province is the highest among other local governments throughout Indonesia because the Original Regional Income (PAD) in Jakarta is quite large.

The DKI Jakarta PAD component itself is listed which is very large when compared to other regions. In the following year, the realization of PAD DKI Jakarta reached IDR 63.5 trillion. Not only that, for DKI Jakarta civil servants, there is a bonus income outside of income called Regional Performance Allowances (TKD), which amounted to IDR 17.370.000 for general and technical skilled functional positions.

Supreme Audit Agency (BPK)

BPK is one of the institutions that has a fairly large allowance. BPK employee allowances are specifically regulated in Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 188 of 2014.

In the Presidential Decree, the very low allowance received by BPK civil servants is IDR 1.540.000 for the 1st position class and a very large IDR 41.550.000 for the 17th position class.

Ministry of Finance

The allowances received by ASN at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) are also ranked at the highest compared to other government institutions, although the amount of allowances is still at the bottom of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP).

Allowances for civil servants of the Ministry of Finance are regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 156 of 2014, if the lowest allowance is IDR 2.575.000 for the lowest class of positions and IDR 46.950.000 for the 27th class of positions.

Ministry of Law and Human Rights

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is one of the most ministries in terms of the number of budgets and the number of employees. The allowance for civil servants in this ministry area is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. 5 of 2015. So it is not surprising that the number of positions in this ministry reaches 234. The position is very low, namely caraka with a position 3 class, obtaining an allowance of IDR 2.211,000. After that, the position is very high in grade 17 namely the secretary general, the allowance is set at IDR 27.577,500.

So after knowing the agency with the highest performance allowance, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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