
YOGYAKARTA hormone balance is often not considered, it doesn't even pay attention. As we know, hormones are closely related to the menstrual cycle. Hormones also play a role in all aspects of health. Starting from moods, energy levels, libido, and hunger. Nutritionists and Pauline Cox's integrative treatment say, not all women have an understanding of the immediate impact and long-term health of hormones. This means it is necessary to start understanding psychology related to emotions, frustration, to affect eating patterns.

In addition to having sex hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, we also have metabolic hormones such as insulin that play an important role in overall well-being. Here, tips on regulating hormonal balance with a healthy diet. Before listening to the list, Cox explains that sleep is a hormonal health foundation. So in addition to practicing a healthy diet, applying a sleep/building pattern as best you can and as early as possible plus morning walks to get light that affects the circadiant system, helping the levels of serotonin are converted into melatonin that drives a good night's sleep.

Blood sugar levels not only regulate the hormone metabolism, insulin, but also have a major impact on the sex hormone. Cox explained that as reported by Vogue, Sunday, June 18, if the body is exposed to high blood sugar and insulin is not as relevant as it should, the symptoms of perimenopaus and menopause are prolonged.

Apart from being related to sexual hormones, insulin also has a major effect on the level of inflammation. This level of inflammation affects how the work network begins to decline and has an impact on all aspects of health. To maintain a balance of blood sugar, one needs to eat balanced foods but more plants, vegetables, and good sources of protein. Avoid foods that increase blood sugar, such as foods that are widely processed, contain a lot of sugar, and excess carbohydrates. Focus on sleep, manage stress and exercise regularly too.

It's a good idea to start measuring and realizing the type of carbohydrate you eat. Switch from pasta and dregs to vegetables. Get colorful vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, purple cabbage,assembles, and spinach orchank.

One thing that needs to be known when you enter the 30s, explained Cox, the body stops producing growth hormones at the same level. So eating more protein is an integral part in building muscles. If you don't consume enough protein, the body will lose muscle mass and that's when blood sugar levels begin to rise. In addition, when the protein is not used by muscles because the mass is low, it will be converted into fat.

Cox said, many women enter their 30s and 40s, it is necessary to change the diet and exercise routine so that weight does not rise. Because if the routine is the same and the diet is the same as the age of 20s, weight will begin to increase. Apart from being related to muscle mass, protein also provides building materials for neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.

To optimize metabolic health, help stabilize moods, and regulate weight, according to Cox, try intermittent fasting. This intermittent fast provides keton as a brain fuel in addition to glucose to regulate memory, hunger, and reduce emotional problems, hot flashes, and night sweat.

Intermittent fasting will get a different achievement for each individual. For example, you start by stopping eating at 19 and eating again at 9 am. This creates a good opportunity for the body to be more sensitive to insulin and increase glucose tolerance and burn fat.

For example, making a risotto of cauliflower rice and goat cheese which not only sounds delicious but also rich in nutrients. In principle, you need to get foods that contain nutrients for the body. Such as low carbohydrate foods, high fiber and vitamin C, so that foods can excel in building hormone health.

Those are the five tips balancing hormones with a healthy diet. Are you interested in practicing it in the near future?

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