
JAKARTA - Kasiman or the actor Koh Ahong in Si Doel Anak Sekolah was buried at the Parung Public Cemetery (TPU), Depok, after he died today, Tuesday, June 13.

Producer and actor of Doel, Rano Karno, who accompanied Ahong to his final resting place, informed that the deceased was buried in a cemetery complex with his future in-laws in soap opera, TB Maulana alias Ncang Rohim.

Through his Instagram account, Rano Karno uploaded a photo of himself visiting the graves of Koh Ahong and Ncang Rohim.

"Finally, Ahong (Kasiman) and his future father-in-law (Ncang Rohim) were buried in one page, alfatiha," wrote Rano Karno in his upload caption, Tuesday, June 13.

Ayushita commented on Rano Karno's upload. The 34-year-old artist expressed his deep condolences to Rano Karno for the death of Koh Ahong.

"My deepest condolences are Om Rano Karno," wrote Ayushita.

For information, the character Koh Ahong in the soap opera Si Doel Anak Sekolah is known to be very close to Ncang Rohim. The reason is, the Chinese man who is a Chinese actor is the figure that Ncang Rohim wants to marry his only daughter, Jaenab.

Not only that, Koh Ahong and Ncang Rohim were also told as business partners, both of which were running a building goods material business.

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