
JAKARTA - Is the program pregnant? Want to check fertility? Don't hesitate to invite your husband, because fertility examinations are not only carried out by women (wife) but also men (husband) to evaluate whether or not there is fertility disorders.

"From the results of this examination, doctors can determine therapy and fertility treatment that is in accordance with the conditions of each couple," said obstetric and gynecologist specialist subspecialist of endocrinological fertility, Dr. Shanty Olivia Jasirwan, Sp.O.G, Subsp. FERR quoted from ANTARA, Friday, June 9.

The fertility examinations for women consist of blood tests, ultrasonography (USG), histerosalpingography (HSG), hysteroscopy and laparoscopic.

Shanty explained that blood tests were carried out to determine the presence of ovulation in women, apart from the history of their menstrual cycles. This test in the form of a progesteron hormone test can be done on certain days in the patient menstrual cycle.

Other hormone tests can also be done to see some of the content in the blood, such as the Lutenizing Hormone (LH), the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), the prolactin, and the estradiol which also play a role in the reproductive process.

Furthermore, ultrasound examinations to be able to determine whether or not there are continuity disorders (rahim), egg lines, and ovarians (egg eggs). One of the things that are often found in ultrasound examinations is the ovarian cyst.

Next, HSG is carried out to evaluate the condition of the uterine cavity and egg channel. This examination can reveal a number of conditions, such as blockage of the egg channel, swelling of the egg channel, or abnormalities in the uterine shape.

In addition, there is also a hysteroscopy process, namely using a long flexible tube (hysteroscope), which passes through the cervix to reach the uterine cavity. This method is used if there is suspicion of abnormality in the uterine cavity from HSG or ultrasound results, such as myoma, polyp, or scar tissue in the uterus.

Finally, laparoscopics that are only carried out if previous examinations show suspicion of abnormalities in certain organs or if the cause of fertility disorders cannot be found. The most common problems that can be identified with laparoscopics are endometrosis, as well as blockage or deviation in tubawa and uterine channels.

On the other hand, male fertility checks generally include physical examination, sperm analysis, blood tests, imaging, and genetics.

According to Shanty, a complete physical examination is needed if no medical conditions arise. The structures evaluated include penis, sknotum, testes, epididymics, spermic cord, deferens, prostate, seminalis Vesica, and Cowper's glands.

Furthermore, the analysis of sperm which is the main examination of male fertility to measure the presence of sperm production disorders or sperm quality which causes fertility disorders.

"The main parameters seen are sperm concentration, movement (motility), and sperm morphology, apart from other parameters," said Shanty.

The follow-up examination is measuring FSH levels and testosterone in the blood. In men, FSH plays a role in spermtogenesis (forming sperm). Testosterons play a role in spermtogenesis and stimulation of libido

Next, there is ultrasound imaging that can be used to find symptoms of fertility disorders more deeply. For men, ultrasound testes orteels can be used to detect congenital disorders and obstructive disorders that hinder sperm transport.

The test test ultrasound is an initial non-invasive examination. This examination is often carried out in conjunction with sperm analysis and is used to determine male reproductive system abnormalities including testes and extrastiticular structures such as epidymics.

Finally, genetic examination of men whose sperm is lacking and does not show evidence of blockage. Genetic testing can help identify DNA fragmentation, chromodynamic damage, or possible genetic diseases that can be passed on to offspring later.

Shanty added that couples who have been married for one year and have regular relationships without contraceptives but have not been blessed with offspring can be indicated to have fertility or infertility problems.

Therefore, according to him, when this issue begins to haunt couples, there is nothing wrong with immediately examining fertility.

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