
YOGYAKARTA - Already put the divorce files, eh apparently decided not to part ways. Well, the question is, how to withdraw the divorce suit in court?

When before the method is regulated to withdraw the divorce suit file specifically, let's first identify the concept of withdrawing the lawsuit. Removing the lawsuit can be meant as an action to withdraw something from a lawsuit that has been registered in the panel of law.

Broadly speaking, disarikan dari Pencabutan Gugatan Perdata Saat sebelum Masuk Session Pemeriksaan, pencabutan gugatan yang belum ditindik terbaha dengan pesan sebagaimana diatur dalam Rv.

Then, does this requirement also apply to the revocation of the lawsuit at the Religious Court?

Basically, the Law on Religious Justices controls that the law on activities that apply in the area of religious justice is a law of civil activity that applies to the legal assembly within the universal justice area, except for those that have been specifically regulated in the Law on Religious Justices and their amendments.

If the lawsuit has not been examined in court

If the lawsuit has been examined in court

When the problem has been investigated, at least the defendant has delivered an answer, until the withdrawal must be carried out and the plaintiff submits it to the trial of the panel of law which is attended by the parties. Revocation of the ex-party lawsuit (without the defendant's presence) is not justified.

The panel of judges then asked the defendant's opinion. The defendant can be given a deadline to think and provide answers regarding his approval.

If the defendant refuses to withdraw the lawsuit, then the panel of judges must:

If the defendant agrees to withdraw the lawsuit, then the panel of judges must:

Answering your question, legally you as the plaintiff have the right to withdraw the divorce suit. Because the case has not been examined in court, you can submit a letter of revocation to withdraw the divorce suit to the head of the Religious Court without the need for permission/appropriation from the defendant.

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