
YOGYAKARTA The topic of social engineering is being discussed. The reason is, the form of crime and fraud has threats to watch out for. On the other hand, not many people know what social engineering is.

The following article will discuss a little about social engineering, from understanding to how to deal with it.

In general, social engineering is a form of banking crime that also threatens the security of a person's personal data. This crime usually takes advantage of victims' mistakes in order to gain access to personal information or other valuable data.

Social engineering can also be done by manipulating victims from a psychological point of view in order to be willing to open personal data and other data related to victims' banking accounts. To launch the action, criminals use various media such as telephone, SMS, e-mail, or social media.

In practice, social engineering has various types. Each type is targeted to be adjusted to the target of the victim. As an anticipatory measure, there are several things that can be done, namely as follows, quoted from various sources.

This mode is often encountered by the public. Victims usually get messages from unknown numbers claiming to be relatives or companies by including links. It's a good idea not to directly click on the link. Click can be a trap that actually plunges the victim. Links themselves are usually sent via WhatsApp or other social media.

Perpetrators also sometimes carry out their actions convincingly and have sites that seem to be trusted. When you plan to open a certain site, it's better to investigate the site first.

Social engineering actors will also persuade their victims to download certain documents until the victim is trapped.

If you have an email address posted in a public space, it's better to be more careful because an email is an easy target for cybercrime.

That's information related to social engineering. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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