
YOGYAKARTA Body metabolism changes with age. With metabolism, everyone can control weight, burning fat, strong confidence, and maintaining muscles. Not only affects physical aspects, metabolism also affects mental focus and energy throughout the day.

Characteristics of slow metabolism, recognized when weight always increases, experiences digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and blood sugar imbalances. For the latter characteristics, it is generally recognized when you experience excessive sugar breaking and want to snack on high carbo foods.

The body's metabolic performance is related to a number of chemical aspects. When it comes to weight loss, it's actually not just a matter of calories entering and leaving. But the food consumed sends a signal to the body to be processed or destroyed. Metabolism is significantly influenced by genetics, reported by Everlywell, Tuesday, May 2.

Factors that affect metabolic levels, including gender, age, muscle mass, body size and composition, physical activity, and hormonal disorders. Well, factors that contribute to metabolism more quickly include cold temperatures and resistance to infection.

The characteristics of the body's fast metabolism are very difficult to determine. But the most easily recognized indicators include weight loss, anemia, fatigue, increased heart rate, often feeling hot and sweating, and often feeling hungry throughout the day. Because there are so many other factors that affect it, it is necessary to consult health service providers if you experience signs of a fast metabolism.

Metabolism or known as basal metabolism which is fast means that the body naturally burns more calories in rest than a person with a slower metabolic rate. That is, the sooner your metabolism is, the more calories the body needs.

Although fast metabolism is not necessarily good or bad in terms of health, you still need to manage the food you eat. Make sure to get enough calories to maintain your body's performance but not too much. Here are the factors that affect metabolism from time to time:

Skipping breakfast, has been shown to slow down metabolism. Then, the opening food of the day consumed also affects your energy levels in the evening. So it is advisable to avoid breakfast containing starch, sugar, and start getting used to breakfast with protein, fiber, eggs, or peanut butter.

Instead of eating once a day with a large portion, it is better to break the meal time. Make sure to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner but with a healthy menu and a small portion. It is recommended to include more protein-protein, both vegetable and animal protein. Such as avocado, yogurt, fatless meat, fish, poultry meat, eggs, and nuts.

Lack of sleep can have a negative effect on sleep hormones and stress. This can affect your metabolism. So it is recommended to sleep for 7-8 hours every night and get enough rest.

In addition to the three factors above, fast metabolism is also influenced by how much your activity is. Do not get used to the rarely moving lifestyle. It is better to stay active all day or adjust to your daily duties.

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