
YOGYAKARTA Medically dry skin is called xerosis which is characterized by cracked, rough, scaly, or itchy skin. Dry skin is experienced by most people at least once in a lifetime. This is also a common condition, so many skin products are formulated by moisturizing. But dry skin is also often experienced even if you always use moisturizers. Well, to overcome this, first identify what causes dry skin even if you use moisturizing lotion.

Over time, dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin's surface and make skin texture dry and uneven. Many dermatologists and beauty experts recommend regularly exfoliate once a week. The goal is to remove dead skin cells, help regenerate new skin cells, and improve skin texture. If you don't do peeling or exfoliate, it has the potential to dry out the skin due to a pile of dead skin cells.

The skin's surface contains oil and molecules that are referred to as natural moisturizers. This helps to be a barrier and a barrier to skin moisture. Although washing the intention of cleaning, if excessive can cause drought because it removes these molecules. If your skin feels strong or gets excited after bathing, it may be a sign that you shower too much.

To prevent dry skin from washing excessively, launching Healthline, Monday, April 17, first choose fragrance-free soap and color-free. Then after bathing, apply moisturizer-free and dye-free.

The outer layer of the skin consists of about 15-20 percent water. When your skin is dehydrated it will lose its elasticity and dry easily. If you experience it, it is necessary to increase hydration by drinking enough mineral water and eating balanced foods that contain good nutrients. In addition, lack of essential vitamins also causes skin drought. Essential vitamins that need to be obtained are sufficient to prevent dry skin, including vitamins A, vitamin D, zinc, and iron.

Soap is a product that can clean, but if the material is too harsh, it can cause dry skin. Cleaning ingredients that may play a role in making the skin dry, including isopypyl alcohol, alkokhol benzil, sulfate, and fragrance.

Most moisturists last a long time, but try to periodically check the expiration date of the moisturizing products you use. Because moisturists who pass the expiration date may not work effectively. In addition, keep moisturizers in cool places and avoid exposure to the sun.

If the skin tends to dry and requires moisturizing for the skin, it is important to wear it regularly. But if the moisturizer does not improve moisture, then it is time to replace a new one with a ceramide content that offers effective care for the skin. Other moisturizing ingredients, choose those that contain antioxidants, aquaporin, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, butter, salicylic acid, or urea.

Some drugs or medical care can cause dry skin as a side effect. These include deurtic drugs, hormonal KB, cholesterol reduction drugs, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

Some types of skin conditions can cause dry skin patches. Among them, atopic dermatitis, dermatitis of allergic contact, dermatitis of irritant contact, psoriasis, and seboroic dermatitis. Some other skin diseases due to fungi and bacterial infection cause dry skin.

In addition to the eight causes of dry skin despite using moisturizing lotion, this condition can also be triggered by a cold and dry climate, bathing with hot water or swimming in a pool containing chlorine. In addition, it can also be caused by health conditions, genetic history, and aging.

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