
JAKARTA - Deputy medical director and training at the ZAP beauty clinic, dr. Dara Ayuningtyas explained that not only is it caused by genetic factors, large pores on the face can also arise due to over-exfoliation and acne suppression.

"For example, if he has too many exfoliations, that can also be done. Second, for example, he has acne problems, he likes to get his acne," Dara said as quoted by ANTARA.

Dara explained that exfoliating the skin can indeed be done to clean the pores of the face. However, it is not recommended to exfoliate every day because it can cause the pores to enlarge.

He recommends exfoliating faces at most two to three times a week. If it is too frequent, the skin will run out so that the pores are getting more and more aroused to unlock.

If you use facial cleansing soap that contains scrubs or grains, Dara reminds you to choose a cleaner with fine grains so that you can gently clean the skin with a scrub, which is recommended for oily skin owners.

On the other hand, if the skin is dry, Dara recommends not using scrub cleaners. If the facial pores get bigger, the public can overcome this by visiting a beauty clinic. By consulting a doctor, facial care at a beauty clinic can also help shrink facial pores.

Small pores provide benefits so that oil does not overdo it on the skin's surface and prevent acne. Large pores make a lot of oil production so that if a person does not keep his skin clean, it will be easy to cause acne. Dara reminded that pores only need to be reduced and cannot be eliminated because they are useful for removing substances that are not needed from within the skin.

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