
YOGYAKARTA In all patterns of relationship, trust is needed. According to the WHO report in 2022, the decline in trust is in line with the increasing level of loneliness, anxiety, and depression that occurs throughout the world. So, what can be done to increase trust that is useful in providing stability, support, and a sense of togetherness?

Feeling connected to people who are trusted and cared for by those closest to you, according to the Harvard Study of Adult Development, is the main determining factor in health, longevity, and well-being. Instead of money, it turns out that trusting the closest person is important in life. Although everyone needs to protect themselves and must be careful about who can be trusted, here are tips to build trust.

Trust begins with a relationship, wrote researcher and author Diane E. Draher, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, April 6. According to psychologist Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., connectivity has a positive effect on us. We can establish relationships not only with close friends and family members, but also grocery store employees or anyone we meet in everyday life.

Only good eye contact, smile, and words are needed to establish a connection. This can be useful for givers and recipients. Even for us, it can improve mood, increase stress, and improve physical and emotional conditions. With this small interaction, one can build a more trustworthy and caring community.

Doing something, it needs to be consistent, including when establishing interactions in building a trustworthy circle. For example, when someone asks for help, they will remember very well whether we help them or not. Likewise in relationships, people who help will be remembered. That is, we need to pay more attention to small things. Apart from being careful in making promises.

For example, they believe in doctors who provide lifestyle recommendations for their health. Likewise, trust other people, both in the workplace and important people in your personal life. Trusting people based on their knowledge and professional abilities, applies in various aspects of relationships.

The three factors above, can be a reference for finding and building trust. That way, you can rely on and be relied on by the people around you too. What if trust decreases?

Lack of trust creates friction, complicates wearing, and is unfavorable. According to the World Value Survey, 70 percent of Norwegians answered "Yes" from the question "Can most people be trusted?". The Dutch are 60 percent, the United States is 42 percent, and the Colombians are only 5 percent. It turns out that this is correlated with a country's gross domestic product.

Improve relationships, can be done in a simple way. First, listen and show what we value from them. By respecting others, according to psychologist Robert Emmons, Ph.D., it helps us to feel better, strengthen welfare, practice gratitude, increase the immune system, and develop capacity. We also build trust by being consistent, keeping promises, and doing what we say we will do.

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