
YOGYAKARTA Assumptions for some parents, fat children are so adorable. However, there is something more essential to pay attention to, namely the baby's health. Because it turns out, fat children have bad health in their future.

The fact about children's health is explained by doctor Nadya Hambali from Ai-Care. According to doctor Nadya, children who are obese need to be monitored for weight. The reason is, if it continues, it will trigger future health problems.

Children who are obese increase the risk of five times to become obese at an adult age. It is more dangerous if the child is obese from an early age, because it can develop chronic diseases. Such as heart disease, blood vessels, high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. Therefore, parents need to monitor their child's health in the nearest health facility for an anthropometric examination.

An anthropometry check, which is a measurement of height and weight, is then adjusted to growth chart according to age and gender. This child anthropometry standard is published by WHO and included in the Decree of the Minister of Health Number 1995/Menkes/SK/XII/2010 contains the Anthropometric Standards for the Assessment of Children's Nutrition Status.

Obesity in children can be caused by several factors. First, because genetics or history of descent cannot be rejected but can be managed so as not to endanger health. Second, habit factors that like to consume sweet foods, junk food, lack of sleep, not much activity, live a sedentary lifestyle, or because they lack exercise.

The third factor that causes children to become obese can be due to hormonal disorders caused by other diseases. There is also obesity in children caused by psychosocial factors or children's mental health as well as environmental factors. Where environmental support is important in creating a healthy lifestyle for children.

Given the importance of parents in shaping a lifestyle, lifestyle behavior is needed and provides balanced nutrition. For example, by providing healthy, fresh foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds that are low in calories but high in protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

It is also important for parents to process food for their children in a healthy manner. Minimize food that is fried and choose an alternative to cook by boiling or roasting with less oil. Doctor Nadya's message, also avoid giving packaged food because it contains perias and high calories.

In addition, parents need to make sure their children drink regularly. Because sometimes thirst and hunger are the same, the child is trying to drink mineral water enough and has consistent eating hours.

In addition, to support optimal development and growth, try to move and exercise enough. Limit just sitting and playing smart devices. Doctor Nadya's advice, children aged 3-5 years are advised to keep moving actively every day. At the age of 6-12 years, it is recommended to exercise moderate to severe intensity for 60 minutes every day. Meanwhile, at night, try to make sure the child gets enough sleep so that he can carry out normal activities the next day.

If your child is currently overweight, give a target of decreasing according to age. For children under 12 years of age, the weight loss target can only be 0.5 kilograms per week. Above that age, you can only lose 1 kilogram of weight per week. Weight loss patterns must still meet the nutritional needs of children. So, the child's weight loss must be carried out in stages so that growth and development remain optimal.

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