
JAKARTA - Jerry Aurum, the ex-husband of singer Denada has completed his detention period due to a drug case that caught him four years ago.

After being able to return to life as usual, Jerry uploaded the moment he visited the fitness center through his Instagram account.

"After 4 years, come back and live," wrote Jerry Aurum in his Instattam upload caption, Tuesday, March 4.

In the upload, Denada was seen commenting. The singer, who debuted in the 1990s, gave a bicep emoji, thumbs up and applause.

The Denada comments were immediately responded back by Jerry Aurum. "Denada toooos," wrote Jerry.

Not only Denada who also welcomed Jerry Aurum's release. Warganet also commented and congratulated Jerry on his release.

"Welcome back, wait for the new works," wrote the netizen.

"Welcome back bro," said another netizen.

"Welcome back, Sis Jerry," wrote another netizen.

While Jerry was in prison, Denada struggled for his daughter's recovery in Singapore. Denada is known to have a hugan that touches her son Aisha. The relationship between the two even received a lot of praise from the public, especially how the singer took care of her child when he was sick.

Most recently, the touching moment with the child was again displayed by Denada through his Instagram account. He was seen showing several letters written hand by Aisha in English.

"The letters of Aisha's love began when she was a child, I was silent," wrote Denada while displaying various letters written by her child in her Insta Story, Tuesday, April 4.

"But I'm confused about how to save it so it won't be damaged," he continued.

He also asked his account followers to tell how to save the letters.

In some of the letters shown by Denada, most of them contain expressions of the child's affection for his mother.

"Mother is the best," reads one letter.

"I'm soup really love u," read another letter.

About his father, Denada admitted that he had given an explanation of his real condition. Aisha accepted the mistakes made by Jerry Aurum and has now communicated again.

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