
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Film Festival Committee officially launched the 2023 Indonesian Film Festival (FFI). On this occasion they also celebrated National Film Day by announcing the FFI 2023 Ambassadors with the Citra theme.

The theme of Citra has a shadow meaning which is an inspiration for the poem by Usmar Ismail. In addition, Citra is pinned as the name of the Indonesian film award which has been given since 1967 and is the symbol of the highest supremacy of Indonesian cinema and the Citra Cup which is given every year into the common thread of Indonesia's film achievements.

In accordance with the theme, the ambassadors who were elected this year were those who had won the Citra Cup and represented generations. They are Christine Hakim, Lukman Sardi, Laura Basuki, Putri Marino and Chicco Kurniawan.

These five ambassadors were chosen not only for their talents but also for their work as Citra Cup winners and competing in Indonesian and international films.

As in last year, FFI 2023 ambassadors will participate in promoting and voicing the 2023 Indonesian Film Festival until the next peak night.

FFI will continue to process towards better implementation. The FFI Committee 2021-2023 has also prepared a program involving elements of the Indonesian film ecosystem so that FFI remains close and close to the hearts of Indonesian film lovers," said Gita Fara as the FFI representative from the business development department.

At the same time, the FFI committee also opened the FFI 2023 registration and all selections and judging categories can be done through the official website of the Indonesian Film Festival, www.festivalfilm.id.

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